The below graph from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) seems to show that most businesses use the cloud to some extent; though reading more closely you can see that to be counted as a business that uses the cloud you only have to identify one computing service where you use it. Therefore if email is hosted or if the business uses Google drive or box to any extent you would qualify as a cloud business. From my position of talking to many small and medium business owners I think many are dabbling with the cloud and still having there security and other doubts satisfied and that is especially so for older businesses with owners over 35 years of age which is the vast majority of business. 

With the way the world and the business world in particular is moving to be more mobile and real time I think we are moving towards a day when all information technology elements of a business are cloud based. This is going to generate demand in the IT industry across the board for cloud technology development and constant improvement, consulting on cloud technology implementation, managing cloud IT, migrating to new technology and much more. 

As an accounting firm we are 100% cloud and are currently in the process of looking to maximise our current infrastructure of cloud products in relation to client engagement, job management and infrastructure. Then we are moving onto transition to a more suitable and efficient email, calendar and document management system. Then we will keep tight for a while till the next upgrade. 

For now, lets enjoy the technology services boom.