Are you a director in a business or a business owner? Did you make any resolutions for you and the business?
At the end of my holiday I got some time alone and time to write up some notes on the business and the way forward. I lost my phone on holidays though not my notes on the business! I will follow these notes up and move my business in a direction that will challenge and focus me, let me live a good life and keep me happy… happy most of the time at least
New Year Business Resolutions – IDEAS:
- Improve focus and be more productive
- Deal with difficult customers and relationships
- Get in a position where ‘2 ‘ is possible; via effective marketing to produce leads
- Digital marketing and/or other marketing to be embraced
- Grow my business and team
- Delegate more
- Charge what your goods and services are worth
- Communicate better with my team and third parties
- Create a great work culture and environment
- Improve cash flow and profit management
– Business is a challenge and it keeps you constantly thinking of ways to improve it
– I would love to assist you grow and improve your business
David Jepsen